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It’s free, but is it really free?

There is so much software with free of charge, such as open source, freeware, and almost the business issues can be finished with them. That is so convenient.

Some company had a plan to deliver the product with pre-installed freeware. They thought hardware should have some cost, but if software was free, the product cost could be reduced.

But wait a second, is that right?

Did you check the license agreement of that “free” software?
When you see “TeamViewer”, it’s one of the major remote access software of telework use, and remote maintenance use is the other use case. But if you look at this software’s license agreement, you must buy a license when you use this software as commercial use.

Another example is “Ubuntu”, major distribution of Linux operating system. This license agreement says you can use it as free of charge if you use as personal, or commercial, but dispatching is regulated with detail condition, and not free all the time.

When the freeware’s license follows GPL, then you must open your developed source code using it’s freeware.

Please check the software license agreement before using it

Software is the product with developer’s workload of certain time, which ever it’s provided as merchandise or freeware. If you will respond their contribution, please check it’s end user license agreement, and follow it.